This multi-disciplinary project required us to work with external experts and manage the expectations of neighbours.

Boffa Miskell planners assisted Winstone Aggregates in extending the Wheatsheaf Quarry in Selwyn by approximately 40ha in area. It was proposed to:

  • Expand extractive activities into adjoining land.
  • Undertake bunding in accordance with a landscape strategy.
  • Apply dust mitigation measures in accordance with the Dust Management Plan.
  • Cleanfill and rehabilitate the site to enable it to be used for activities that accord with the relevant zone and provisions in the District Plan.

The project required the preparation of applications to Selwyn District Council and Canterbury Regional Council.



Worked with

Liquid Earth
Marshall Day
Monique Thomas
Tonkin and Taylor

Project date

2019 - 2022

We worked with a range of technical experts to manage environmental effects on air quality, rural character and amenity, and water quality through management plans, robust conditions and developing monitoring regimes. On advice from the landscape planner, we retained a large area of unquarried land adjacent to the public road to retain a rural outlook. We also engaged with neighbouring property owners to address their concerns.

It was proposed to use water for dust suppression, and discharge of water that may contain contaminants into land and potentially into groundwater. Most of the potential adverse effects were internalised within the site except for noise and dust effects on two properties. We obtained written approvals from one of the affected properties and revised the extent of the expansion to minimise the proximity of activities (and potential effects) on the other property.

Both Councils limited notified the application to a number of properties and consent was granted on the basis of the evidence and conditions put forward by the Applicant team.