Boffa Miskell prepared a Management Plan to guide and support the management of the Māhinapua lakebed and wider catchment in alignment with the values of Ngāi Tahu, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, and Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio. The plan aims to sustain the vitality of Ngāi Tahu culture by restoring Poutini Ngāi Tahu’s relationship with the lake, recognising its historical and ongoing cultural significance, managing activities affecting the lakebed, and ensuring its cultural importance is acknowledged by all users.
Plan development involved research, site visits and a series of hui with kaitiaki rūnanga/mana whenua, resource users, neighbouring landowners, and statutory agencies to understand, discuss and agree on the key issues and options for the management of Māhinapua. To develop the plan, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu engaged Boffa Miskell to research and draft an initial issues and options paper, which was presented at a hui with rūnanga members at Arahura Marae in April 2016. 16.
A draft management plan was developed and reviewed by both rūnanga in October 2016. Following further refinement, the final plan was approved by Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae and Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio in July 2018, with formal adoption by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu in September 2018.
The plan establishes long-term objectives, policies, and methods for the integrated management of Māhinapua. Its primary focus is the management of the Ngāi Tahu lakebed, while also advocating for the broader catchment’s management in collaboration with landowners and agencies.
While the plan was prepared in close consultation with mana whenua, key partners and stakeholders were also engaged including the Department of Conservation, Maritime New Zealand, West Coast Fish & Game, West Coast Regional Council, Westland District Council, Ngāi Tahu Forest Estates, Lake Māhinapua Aquatic Club and West Coast Scenic Waterways. Hui were held with these agencies and groups to discuss the draft issues and options paper and the draft plan was provided to the agencies for review.