Strengthening connection to mana whenua, and guiding the integration of cultural values into future developments.

Rangi Ruru Girls School commissioned Boffa Miskell to prepare a Cultural Narrative Report (CNR) to provide insight into the cultural history of the school and its surrounding landscape to allow for these aspects to be acknowledged, respected and shared.

Rangi Ruru Girls School is a private school in Merivale, Ōtautahi / Christchurch. Founded in 1889, the school has a longstanding European and Māori history. The CNR aimed to identify further and explore the cultural history and values of local mana whenua, Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga, and consider how these can be better manifested in the built and natural environment. 



Project team

Mapihi Martin-Paul

Worked with

Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga

Project date

2021 - 2022

Our Te Hīhiri consultant was engaged to author the CNR in close collaboration with Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga representatives, our ability to meaningfully engage with mana whenua, staff, students and whanau members was critical to the success of compiling the report that was reflecting of different worldviews. 

The CNR collates information gathered from working with members of Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga as well as Rangi Ruru staff, students and their whanau; it provides an overview of the cultural context of the surrounding area, compiles the historical narrative of Rangi Ruru and discusses how Rangi Ruru has embraced its multi-cultural identity. Lastly, the CNR provides an overview of key ways cultural values and narratives can be incorporated into the design of any future built or natural environment work at Rangi Ruru.