An exemplary senior living village that celebrates community and active retirement in a coastal environment.

The landscape design of Pohutukawa Landing weaves the cultural and historical narratives around food production and kai moana with the natural environment; particularly the existing stream and wetland.

Boffa Miskell became involved in the project during the masterplanning phase. Our innovative and thoughtful design strongly focusses on the relationship between buildings and creating human-scale spaces with a community core. 





Worked with

Crang Civil

Project date

2018 - ongoing

The village is near Beachlands Marina and adjacent to a constructed wetland and reserve. An existing stream runs through the eastern side of the site toward the wetland. The landform is south facing falling towards the stream and the reserve with significant level changes. There is a strong desire for connectivity through and around the site, to encourage interaction between the future residents and the village and the wider Beachlands area.

The architectural style has evolved from a single multi-storey building to a human-scaled and mixed housing typology including single living villas, terrace housing, main amenity centre, and care building facilities. The landscape response took a comprehensive approach, considering all aspects of the project to ensure alignment with the overall vision of the retirement village, incorporating elements that foster village identity, connectivity, accessibility, wayfinding, and sustainability.

Our design vision allowed for a village that embodies a sense of place and responds to the site’s coastal location, connecting the newly settled community of the lifestyle village to the picturesque Pohutukawa coast, its people, and its history. 

The landscape design presents a warm, sandy and beachy look that responds to its setting. Each major open space is interconnected through informal green corridors with many plant species of varying colours, textures and seasonal interests.

The wetland edge at the east of the site extends and weaves its way through the whole development, drawing natural ecologies into the site and providing a native corridor for fauna and flora. The ocean is to the west of the site. These influences meet to a perfect social heart of the community that is active and embracing.

A positive collaboration amongst the internal and external consultant teams was the key to the delivery of the development of Pohutukawa Landing Retirement Village to MetlifeCare’s initial vision. Our team members’ complementary skills allowed quick identification of issues and opportunities and efficient project delivery.

This beautiful coastal retirement village brings environmental, social, and developmental outcomes together, contributing to an enhanced quality of life for senior residents. 
