The Mid Dome Wilding Trees Charitable Trust appointed Boffa Miskell as its programme manager in 2014 to deliver the strategic goal of eradicating wilding trees from the Mid Dome area in Southland.

Wilding tree control had been delivered at Mid Dome for 22 years with approximately $13m being spent over this time. Large areas of mature Pinus contorta remain at high altitude locations, spreading seed over expansive high country tussock grasslands.

Boffa Miskell developed a comprehensive plan to control these trees, with the aim to control all high-risk seeding trees within the operational area. Attention to both detail and the big picture ensures that we deliver outcomes that align to the strategic requirements of the Mid Dome Wilding Trees Charitable Trust.

This is a challenging project with thousands of hectares of wilding conifer infestation across multiple landholders and land tenure types. The nature of the mountainous terrain and weather conditions added another layer of complexity. Boffa Miskell is able to provide detailed plans that overcome these difficulties. We oversee the work of a carefully selected panel of contractors and maintain excellent communication with a wide variety of stakeholders. 

Boffa Miskell works closely with the Trust, as well as Environment Southland, and the Ministry of Primary Industries. We provide advice on control techniques and strategies, assisting with funding bids, promotion of the control programme, and provide oversight of contractors completing the work. We are closely involved with the development and testing of new control techniques and carry out trials to measure efficacy and efficiency.

To date we have sprayed over 1,500 hectares of dense wilding trees and carried out ground and aerial spot spraying control over many thousands of hectares. Delivering control continues to be a challenge in this environment; however, with the significant boost in government funding from 2020 considerable advances are being made.