Developing an iwi-led management plan for a coastal site of cultural and historical significance.

Boffa Miskell has worked alongside mana whenua representatives and Te Ao Tūroa (The Natural Environment) team at Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu on many projects over the years. This includes current work at the Ōnawe Pā Historic Reserve, situated in the Akaroa Harbour.

Ōnuku and Wairewa rūnanga allows public access to the site, and it is a popular walking destination. A track along the eastern flank takes visitors up to the highest point to enjoy panoramic views of the Akaroa Harbour and enclosing hills.

Following severe storms several years ago, sections of the track were damaged by severe tunnel erosion and public access had to be closed. Boffa Miskell was engaged to remediate the erosion holes and design a bridging system for safe long-term access. 



Worked with

Powel Fenwick Consultants
Stepping Stone Design
Wairewa Rūnanga
Ōnuku Rūnanga

Project date


The remote nature of the site and challenging terrain made it difficult to transport materials, so the team worked with Powell Fenwick Consultants to design three kitset composite fibre (CFT) bridge structures. These lightweight elements were easy to move and assemble across the eroded sections of track. CFT will not rot or corrode in the coastal conditions and provides a very durable, low maintenance solution. The use of screw pile footings avoided the logistics of moving concrete onto site and allows for adjustment should further erosion take place.

We are currently assisting in the development of a reserve management plan that balances kaitiakitanga responsibilities for the land with ecology, public access requirements and enjoyment of this landscape of cultural significance.  

Boffa Miskell planners, cultural advisors, and ecologists will work closely in collaboration with the Ōnawe Pā kōmiti, wider Ōnuku and Wairewa whānau members, and Te Ao Tūroa to develop a vision for the future management of this very special place.