A high-quality mixed housing community offering access to Auckland's amenities, with elevated views and native bush surroundings.

Developed by Templeton Group, Warkworth Ridge in Rodney is a 53-hectare community of 643 residential lots - in a mix of compact, standard, and countryside living lots. The connected street network and Green Link linear reserve provide visual amenity as well as environmental benefits.

Boffa Miskell landscape architects were engaged at the masterplan stage, overseeing each phase until completion. Our design focuses on fostering a connected, green, and safe community throughout each phase of the development and creating a place where people want to live.

Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our choice of native plants, raingardens, and thoughtful revegetation of the stream network. These practices not only minimise environmental impact but also contribute positively to the project's ecological footprint.



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The steep contour of the site, rising from the Matakana Link Road level, has influenced the street layout and approach to open space locations which primarily follow stream corridors and ridgelines. 

The hilly nature and topography has formed opportunity for expansive views from the northern extent of the site towards the south. A knoll in the north western corner of the site is to be retained and utilised as a recreational open space for public use. To support this open space location a series of linear pocket parks extend up the hill from the town centre reaching the knoll park at a destination lookout platform. A combination of passive recreation and play opportunities are provided in the parks along this route.

Revegetation planting along the northern boundary of the site is provided as a buffer to the rural land to the north and planting proposed is representative of the broadleaf forest found in the immediate area. Species have been specifically selected in reflection of the ecological report provided for the site, with native species grouped based on the existing natural stratification and topography.

An extensive pedestrian network is provided throughout the development. This network connects the internal street matrix within the open space network and stream corridors and further on to the existing walkway circuit through the Warkworth Showgrounds.