Hanna O'Donoghue


Kaihoahoa Whenua | Landscape Architect
Pouwhiri Matua | Senior Principal

I have a passion for good design and the journey that takes a project from initial concept through to successful implementation. My experience has been largely in designing and delivering shared paths, cycleways, public plazas, urban streetscapes, open space networks and housing developments in Aotearoa and abroad.

I enjoy complex public realm projects, from the challenges of large scale masterplanning to the intricate spaces that knit into urban fabric. I am drawn to urban and community projects like NZICC, Carrington Masterplan and Wellesley Street, with a special interest in creating spaces for people, unique to place and culture.

The team environment is where I thrive, I love working collaboratively across disciplines, and with clients and stakeholders, to find design solutions which provide for local needs and reinforce the community’s sense of identity. My experience working on design-led projects, my unique design approach and strong commitment to engagement has played an important role in the outcome of creating quality spaces for people to enjoy.


Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Hons), Victoria University of Wellington


Registered Member, New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA)