Research and development
Rangahau me te whakawhanake
Investigating, developing and building knowledge to provide innovative, cost-efficient and enhanced solutions and products to help protect the environment.
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Navigating a fast-changing world requires an imaginative spirit. Our reputation for innovation and excellence has been built over the past five decades. We are curious and willing to develop, adapt and apply bespoke solutions to emerging challenges. Our people are involved in the research and technology sector across a wide range of disciplines, from the ecology and biosecurity fields, through to the development of new design and sustainability tools, advances in mātauranga Māori monitoring techniques, and innovations in the application of drone imagery and LiDAR technologies, scanning and carbon accounting.
Continued learning and seeking out challenges through which our shared knowledge evolves is part of our DNA. We are actively involved in leading many research and development projects (both within New Zealand and internationally) and have a proven history of bringing new technologies to market. Many of our new developments use Artificial Intelligence, image processing, novel sensors and integrated spatial platforms. We have a reputation for leading large multi-disciplinary groups to develop innovative tools and technologies.
In our commitment to the pursuit of discovery, Boffa Miskell operates a research grant programme that all staff can apply to fund specific projects or in-depth inquiry. This programme encourages our consultants to stay current through exploring new ways to add value, advance knowledge and understanding, or develop innovations in their field of expertise.
We are confident that new perspectives and knowledge ensure that we are progressive in our approaches and solutions, rather than supporters of the status quo.