Supreme Success at the 2021 NZPI Conference
29 March 2021
Planning for Residential Amenity: Wellington District Plan Review, submitted jointly by Boffa Miskell and Wellington City Council, won the Nancy Northcroft Supreme Award at the 2021 NZPI Conference.

Planning for Residential Amenity: Wellington District Plan Review was prepared for Wellington City Council by Boffa Miskell. The study focused on appropriate measures that can be used to achieve a balance between amenity in residentially zoned land and an increased density.
The proposed changes as outlined in the draft Spatial Plan have the potential to demonstrably alter the urban form in identified areas of change. To facilitate these changes, while also balancing competing residential amenity considerations, the study provided recommendations on new planning provisions that are to be developed as part of the review of the District Plan.
These are informed by: qualifying what constitutes a reasonable level of amenity; defining a range of different planning tools and metrics that affect residential amenity; and testing the effects that these tools and metrics have on residential amenity in a typical Wellington context.
Boffa Miskell suggested using GIS and 3d Modelling software to assess typical Wellington site dimensions in in representative suburbs; test a range of planning tools and measures and assess associated effects on amenity; and reveal the appropriate optimal tools and metrics that maintain an acceptable level of amenity
The project was awarded Best Practice in Best Practice in District and Regional Planning at the opening night of the conference; and then on the final evening was named winner of the Nancy Northcroft Supreme Award.
The Nancy Northcroft Supreme Award recognises excellence in planning practice, based on:
- Creativity and innovation in the methods involved,
- The quality and innovation of presentation of any report or material,
- The extent to which best-practice planning process and practice, including sustainable management is promoted.
The NZDF Infrastructure Master Plans won the Best Practice Award for Strategic Planning and Guidance.
The Defence Estate and Infrastructure team commissioned Boffa Miskell, Warren + Mahoney and Aurecon to develop Infrastructure Master Plans for the Estate’s nine Camps and Bases. The purpose was to create a framework that supports efficient operation and cost-effective use of space and maintains each Camp or Base as a great place to live and work.
Boffa Miskell furthered the implementation of GPS data loggers to track movement trends across NZDF camps and bases. This offered previously unavailable insight, showing linkages between buildings, functions and desire lines.
The team developed key planning principles that set the foundation for the Master Plans for each location. These were supplemented by the development of CPTED and Landscape guidelines that ensured continuity in development and supported a number of other projects and programmes.
In addition to these Best Practice awards, Shaping Future Dunedin Transport was recognised as Highly Commended in the Consultation and Participation Strategies and/or Processes category. The urban designers and engagement specialists in our Dunedin office used an online engagement tool and interactive mapping platform that enables users to click-and-drag a locator pin and add comments, showing exactly where their feedback, ideas and concerns lie.
Watch the video about Planning for Residential Amenity
Watch the video about NZDF Infrastructure Master Plans
Find out more
Planning for Residential Amenity
NZDF Infrastru/our-people/dr-marc-bailycture Master Plans
For further information please contact Marc Baily or Jos Coolen