Three new associate partners for 2020
19 August 2020
The Partners are delighted to announce the addition of three Associate Partners this year.

Yvonne Pfluger joined Boffa Miskell in 2005 and has worked as a Landscape Planner and environmental consultant on a wide range of projects during this time. She specialises in the preparation of landscape and visual assessments for development projects within sensitive environments. She has prepared and presented evidence for a wide variety of projects at a range of scales for Council and Environment Court hearings, mediation and expert conferencing. Most recently, Yvonne moved to Queenstown to help build our office and client base there.
Emma Todd joined Boffa Miskell in 2008 as a landscape architect. Her experience ranges in scale from large rural, urban and coastal developments to site-specific projects including mixed-use housing developments, social housing, aged-care and public realm design. Interests lie in the design of high-quality urban streetscapes and public realm spaces, and in open space development. Emma has successfully led, managed and implemented large landscape projects, notably the award-winning Long Bay residential development and Gulf Rise retirement community.
Dave Moule joined Boffa Miskell in 2015 with a specific brief to grow our Hamilton presence and last year he was appointed Managing Principal of that office. With over 17 years’ experience in RMA planning, Dave provides expert resource management advice to a range of clients. He has played in role in many high-profile projects in and around Hamilton, including Greenhill Park and the Ruakura development.
Partners play a leading role in the sustainability, growth and development of the company as trusted advisors to our clients. In addition to their consultancy roles, partners also contribute to setting the overall company direction with the Board and confirming key appointments and promotions.
Boffa Miskell chief executive Kerry Gupwell says, “This year’s group come from three different offices, and disciplines. It’s really pleasing to see a diverse skill set entering the partnership. I congratulate them on their achievement look forward to the contribution they’ll make to the continued evolution and growth of Boffa Miskell.”
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