Sian Reynolds


Kaiwhakamaru Taiao | Biosecurity Consultant
Kaiwhiri | Associate Principal

I have a strong array of experience in the project management of landscape-scale control of invasive species and in threatened species recovery. My passion for this work stems from the various roles I have held previously at the Department of Conservation, protecting threatened native species in the field.

My knowledge and skills in conservation span the various control tools, technologies and monitoring regimes required for ecosystem management. I work with a wide range of clients including community groups, councils, central government, and private landholders. Working with stakeholders to find solutions, strategise, and plan work efficiently is a key part of the role.

My background in pest management covers mammalian predators and ungulates, as well as weeds and wilding conifers. My recent projects include operational planning for Pest Free Onetāhua for the removal of pigs, possums, rats, and stoats from Onetāhua Farewell Spit, programme management of the Rangitahi Molesworth wilding conifer programme, and site management of Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand’s biosecurity programme. 


New Zealand Biosecurity Institute (NZBI)

Bachelor of Science; double major in Physiology and Zoology, Massey University
Master of Science in Zoology, Massey University