NZPI Success for National Medium Density Design Guide
20 April 2023
The judges' citation noted that the concise, richly illustrated publication clearly explains the outcomes that can result from delivering high quality and functional medium density developments.

Following the government’s passing of the Resource Management Amendment Act, the Ministry for the Environment asked Boffa Miskell to create a non-statutory National Medium-density Design Guide for property owners or small-scale developers with limited experience in more complex residential development.
The Guide focuses on three-unit developments up to three storeys in height, as permitted under the Medium Density Residential Standards. It provides guidance on designing inclusive, integrated housing at the site level while recognising changing street and neighbourhood contexts.
“The Guide is organised under six relatable themes and presented in the order that design decisions would likely be made,” says urban designer Tim Church.
“Through an all-of-government approach, other nationally important issues have been addressed in a way that can mutually benefit developers, residents and communities. This includes support of emissions reduction, community safety, inclusive design, landscape resilience, water sensitive design and noise attenuation.”
Landscape architect William Hatton was one of the Māori design professionals who contributed. “The Guide opens with Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua,” William says.
“This whakataukī expresses Te Ao Māori principles of housing resilience and well-being. These concepts are woven into the medium density housing processes and outcomes, to meet our shared responsibilities under Te Tiriti.”
“This approach is an essential part of fostering an Aotearoa New Zealand urbanism that could influence the development of thousands of homes around the country,” Tim Church explains.
The judges’ citation noted that the concise, richly illustrated publication clearly explains the environmental, social, cultural and economic well-being outcomes that can result from delivering high quality and functional medium density developments.
This is Boffa Miskell’s fourth award for Best Practice Award | Strategic Planning and Guidance in five years. Other awards were given to Milford Opportunities Masterplan (2022), NZDF Infrastructure Masterplans (2021) and the Pre-1930s Character Area Review (2019).
In 2018, the New Plymouth District Plan Review was recognised with the Best Practice Award for Consultation and Participation Strategies and Processes, and then went on to win the Nancy Northcroft Supreme Planning Practice Award.
Find out more
National Medium-Density Design Guide
For further information please contact Tim Church, Jos Coolen, Megan Walker, William Hatton, Te Pio Kawe or Matt Riley