Panel Appointments 2021
19 October 2021
Boffa Miskell planners, designers and ecologists have been appointed to leadership and advisory roles in a number of professional associations and interest groups.

Nick Pollard has been appointed to the editorial committee for Planning Quarterly (PQ); the official publication of Te Kokiringa Taumata | New Zealand Planning Institute. PQ is written by planners, for planners. It is published four times a year, and communicates ideas and activities between NZPI members and those working in planning related fields.
Jane Rennie has been appointed to the Lyttelton Design Review Panel. The centre of Lyttelton was significantly damaged in the 2011 Christchurch Earthquakes, and lost many of the hertiage buildings that provided its unique identity. The Design Review Panel provides advice for developments that trigger resource consent for design matters in the Lyttelton Character Area Overlay (of the Banks Peninsula Residential Zone) or the Commercial Banks Peninsula Zone.
Tim Church is a member of the Christchurch Urban Design panel. This group of leading built-environment professionals provide free, independent design review for both the private and public sectors, to support the quality rebuild of Christchurch.
Julia Wick is a member of the Executive Committee for the Association for Resource Management Practitioners | Te Kahui Ture Taiao (RMLA). The RMLA membership includes legal experts; landscape, planning and environmental practitioners; consultants and civil servants. The Association is New Zealand’s leading forum for the interpretation and implementation of the 1991 Resource Management Act; and keeps its members abreast of latest developments in environment and resource management-related policy, law and practice,
Mornė Hugo and Jo Soanes have been appointed to the Hamilton Urban Design Advisory panel. The 14-member panel comprises expert practitioners engineering, planning, architecture, arts and landscape architecture. They provide independent professional advice on proposed projects in the Hamilton region, free of charge. They offer recommendations to the applicants on improvements which could be made to make the consenting process easier, while also promoting good design and a quality built environment.
Sarah Heritage is the new chair of the Aotearoa Pacific Practitioners Group, a special interest group within Te Kokiringa Taumata (NZPI). The group is a Pacific-facing network of resource management practitioners working together and helping to build capability in their Pacific home-nations; and to increase the presence and reflective voice of Pacific practitioners in the planning and resource management.
Tanya Blakely is the chair of the New Zealand Fish Passage Advisory Group. This group brings together ecologists, engineers and environmental advisors to support and develop resources for fish passage, and advocates for improved fish passage management. The Department of Conservation and Ministry for the Environment coordinate and provide governance direction.
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