Jane Rennie


Kaihoahoa Tūāpapa | Urban Designer
Pouhere | Partner

I work collaboratively within multi-disciplinary teams on a range of often complex projects with a focus on understanding the key influences to deliver more liveable and people-centric towns and cities.

With experience gained overseas and in Aotearoa / New Zealand. I have an in-depth understanding of urban design and planning principles and practices and am focused on applying these to the local context in a creative way. Given my planning background, I have strong written communication skills, and this has enabled me to work on strategies, policy development and design guidelines.

I have worked on a number of integrated spatial, master planning and public transport and land use integration business cases, leading teams formulating options through an MCA process which seeks to weave together urban growth, place-based enhancements and improved accessibility and liveability outcomes.

In 2020 I was appointed to the Lyttelton Urban Design Panel that provides design reviews to a range of urban development projects. I also have a strong interest and experience in crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) and provide advice and undertake assessments on a range of health, education and transport projects.

I bring commitment and enthusiasm to my role and am passionate about sharing my skills and experience with the young professionals within Boffa Miskell.


Bachelor of Planning, Auckland University, NZ
PGDip Urban Design (Merit), University of Westminster, UK


Member, New Zealand Planning Institute (NZPI)
Member, Urban Design Forum NZ
Panel Member, Lyttelton Design Review Panel